


  • Mineral: Garnet group
  • Chemistry: Tsavorite- Ca3Al2Si3O12
  • Colour: Green
  • Refractive index: 1.740 (+.12 -.04)Birefringence: None
  • Specific gravity: 3.60–3.68
  • Mohs harness: 7 -7.5

About Tsavorite

Tsavorite is a calciumaluminium mineral species belonging to the grossularite garnet group.

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Product Description


Tsavorite was discovered in 1967 by Campbell Bridges who was a gemologist from Scotland. While walking, Bridges was charged by a buffalo and avoided the animal by diving into a gully. Looking around, he noticed some greenish rocks glinting in the sunlight. Soon after, Bridges and Tiffany & Co introduced tsavorite to the world.


Tsavo National Park in Tanzania is the only place in the world where tsavorites are found.


Tsavorite garnet ranges in colour from bright yellowish green to deep green or bluish green. The most desired colour is an intense, highly saturated green, or a medium bluish to medium-dark green.